
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 08:02:32
I still underpinned the tired! A whole year; Really tired! Why do I torture my feelings? This year all living in a "sad" to the world, full of helpless! Had to save the lost! Not broken up the 'love' word! I love you forever impossible to implement the persistent! All this before I have never delivered any one person; It is sad to think slowly and deeply buried in their minds; But a lot of my efforts. also, a lot of sacrifice, may still find it difficult to extricate! I remember back now, the United States is really good, happy, happy well past that time; Today is mention goes, a good pain. good fall, good helpless! Looking for a substitute, I always free! However, very difficult, very difficult, very difficult indeed! I can be here in the mountains on Censorship, under fire, but also doubled difficult! Maybe this is why I have the social graces too! Perhaps the only social graces too! Perhaps it is too rigid social graces! Perhaps I do not have the courage to abandon

我依然彰显了累! 整整一年; 真的累了! 我为什么酷刑感想? 今年所有住在"悲哀"推向世界,充满无奈! 为了挽救已失去了! 不破碎的'爱'字! 我爱你永远无法实施持久! 这一切我以前从来没有发表任何一人; 慢慢觉得很可惜,深埋心中; 但不少心力. 同时,牺牲了很多,可能仍难以脱身! 我记得现在,美国真正的好快乐,好快乐,过去时间; 今天是提三尺,好痛苦. 秋天好,好无奈! 寻找替代,我永远免费! 但是,很难,很难,很难! 这里我可以就在山上检查,根据火灾,也倍增困难! 也许这就是为什么我的太痴情! 也许是太痴情唯一了! 也许是过于僵化痴情! 也许我没有勇气摒弃那种敢于爱! 扼杀自己的好,好折磨自己,把自己好的! 我::我::我::紧急救援! 告别"伤心"! 高空脱离险境! 只是好好睡一觉,没有梦,没有意识形态,没有时间; 康复后, 我忘记了时间,忘记世界. 忘记我,忘记自己,忘记一切! 尼斯说! 我梦想这样一个好觉! 性别比补充:我醒过来时,最大的生命力是从初始化世界 初开始时初始化初始化自己,开始认识我, 你知道我的心情就开始在世界上是唯一初始化你! 我不想知道! 我没有打猎人问:"伤心史"! 我一直难过陪秋天2001! 由于"伤"、"毁"! 因为"感冒"、"打倒"! 最后,疲倦的心是无奈! 心只能默默忍受"悲伤无奈疲倦秋" 思维能力已被打破"爱"字划痕与悲伤,悲伤不能停止! 看笔尖天雨,不仅受伤,纯净,温和温暖的心, 文章提到的"悲哀"; 我无奈的微笑! 我太残酷了! 原本单纯可爱白色,是一个痛苦的时刻,我留下我的痛"悲哀"! 亲爱的白人,你和我一样的痛苦别无选择! 但是,我不能为你解脱; 我知道自己太残忍了!